Mio incompetence, was Mio Cyclo bug

I have had my second Mio Cyclo 405 replaced now, Mio support claiming hardware fault, me doubting it. When my third Cclo 405 came arrived with the same fault, adding to that my old 315 having the same fault as well, I started poking around in the settings.

I eventually found under Settings -> System -> Alerts, if you scrolled down, a setting called “Auto Recording”. I have now tested this function and it is indeed the cause of my “problem”.

I have informed Mio support of their incompetence. It is one of the worst cases I have seen in a long time. Mio Support, their repair center and even their software engineers for the Cyclos, neither knew about this function! It is shocking.

Disable Auto Recording to control start point of recording with Start button on device

Mio Cyclo bug continued

As the Mio support staff couldn’t see the fault on the two models they had tried in the office, I started off by sending my 405 in for repair as that was still under warranty. It has come back and I was told the main board had been replaced.

I have now had a test ride and can say that the fault is still there. I don’t there that there is much doubt that this is a world wide software fault in Mio’s devices as three out of three units have now been doing this.

I have emailed them this and am awaiting a response.

Mio Cyclo software bug

There is a bug in Mio’s Cyclo software which I have had a suspicion about for a while, but it became even more obvious after upgrading from the model 315 to a 405.

Both devices record tracks from when you turn them on (sometimes even before), and not from when you hit the record button. It’s obvious in mioshare, even Strava to some extent, and I have verified it with a GPX editor.

This is what a recording looks like in mioshare, even though I didn’t hit record until I was rolling down the main road. The GPS device was on for 10 minutes before starting, but it has recorded 47 minutes of nothing, then walking through the garden, and finally cycling.

This is what it looks like in my GPX editor. I have highlighted track 4, which a little while in contains the point where I actually hit record.

I have been speaking to Mio who has raised an RMA for me. They are saying no-one else has complained, so it is a fault with my device. We will see what happens.

Marlow Red Kite ride – 50 miles

The Marlow Red Kite ride was great, but I ran out of energy after 30 miles *again*. The last 5 miles were hell! 🙁

I’ve just tried to but a photo of me cycling during the ride from Sportive Photos but their mail server is set-up wrong and retries 3 times in two minutes on soft-fail and then gives up, so still don’t have the photo. Will post it up when I eventually get it.

I’m doing another 50 mile sportive, the Haddenham Howler, next weekend. Feeling a bit drained already.

I had a bike fitting done at Buckingham Bikes in Aylesbury before the Red Kite ride, which was money well spent. Felt much better afterwards. And I have now fitted by aero bars, need to get used to them, I think.


Back to cycling…

My Mio Cyclo 200 is fantastic, and it does upload to Strava, despite some initial confusion. Also now got a Cateye Strada with HR and cadance. As per many reviews, the cadance is fiddle and I haven’t got it to work properly yet.

Still going out several times a week, and I have signed up for a 10 mile time trial on the 14th through the Aylesbury Cycling club.


Just testing embedded Strava:

<iframe height=’405′ width=’590′ frameborder=’0′ allowtransparency=’true’ scrolling=’no’ src=’https://www.strava.com/activities/658143335/embed/ddda9067fb68bb426e872866f65ea48dbe99b551′></iframe>

First ride on bike

Bike arrived:


Had a first ride on it. Excellent bike, especially for the money. Very light, lively and quiet. Rolls along very easily. Brakes are a bit of a let down but work (not from the Shimano 105 series).

Also fitted my Mio Cyclo 200 but not tried it yet. Had to buy some Shimano 105 pedals for the bike and some nice Italian shoes, called Physique but not spelt that way 🙂

Getting in to cycling again!

I used to cycle a lot. 20 years ago! Did road sportives and everything… Two weeks ago, with no prior training, I joined the Tour de Vale 60k ride. It was hard work but fantastic at the same time, and my time was appalling but not help by the fact I was on a mountain bike.

TourVale_2_2016 TourVale_1_2016

Bitten by the bug, I have now ordered a new Cannondale CAAD8 105 road bike in red! It is arriving tomorrow, very excited, and I will post up some photos.

I have also signed up for the Marlow Red Kite Ride for the 50 mile (80k) ride. They also do 80, 100 and 126 miles rides, but that won’t be this year!