MJA engineering again…

This company is plain dangerous. After starting to build this engine, I measured the piston to cylinder clearance, which, according to the piston specification sheet (that MJA was handed) should be 0.0035″. The cylinders MJA bored are somewhere between 0.0045-0.0055″, not even consistent.

They also filed the piston rings. Moly rings where the top ring is meant to have a gap of 0.018″ and the second ring 0.020″. Some of them, both top and second, are as low at 0.016″. Thank god I measured them.

MJA is just plain dangerous. How can no-one have picked up on this before?

I might be able to salvage this by having the piston skirts coated but it is even more money MJA has cost me.

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