Getting in to cycling again!

I used to cycle a lot. 20 years ago! Did road sportives and everything… Two weeks ago, with no prior training, I joined the Tour de Vale 60k ride. It was hard work but fantastic at the same time, and my time was appalling but not help by the fact I was on a mountain bike.

TourVale_2_2016 TourVale_1_2016

Bitten by the bug, I have now ordered a new Cannondale CAAD8 105 road bike in red! It is arriving tomorrow, very excited, and I will post up some photos.

I have also signed up for the Marlow Red Kite Ride for the 50 mile (80k) ride. They also do 80, 100 and 126 miles rides, but that won’t be this year!

Things arriving


Heads arrived, beatiful! Bench seat is in transit, black vinyl, and a full UMI suspension kit is being delivered tomorrow! Awesome 🙂

Have not done much else to the car in the mean time, engine is half taken apart but not much more. Will try to get some photos up this weekend.

Time to post about my new hobby, cycling…

Big Red

I was thinking I could use this page to track progress with Big Red. My engine crane and stand has arrived, front and read bumpers are off, so I might be able to get the engine out soon.

Will post some pictures soon


Some updates will increase ratings. I might start using this site to keep track of my progress with Big Red.


Front and read bumper and lights off now. Interior almost out, apart from dashboard. I’m looking at buying a set of SGS engine crane and stand, as they seem good quality and not too expensive.